Complete the Online Client Application (Required)
The BASIC Client Application is available online for easy access, completion, submittal, and quicker processing. The simple 5-page application captures the selected offerings and pricing information to start the sales process.
>> ACTION: BASIC Referral Partners must work with their BASIC Sales Representative to complete the Online Client Application while working alongside the purchaser (client).
BASIC Client Application Link (Click Here)
Version Date: 7/12/22
Online Application Instructions to help you understand and complete the required fields.
BASIC Premium Only Plan Application Link (Click Here)
Schedule a Client Implementation Call (Required)
Once the client application is signed by your client, help them schedule their one-on-one video call with a BASIC Client Implementation Manager to collect all the purchaser details needed to set up their plan(s). The client will receive personalized guidance and consultation to fully understand how their plan(s) will work and prepare for a smooth onboarding.
>> ACTION: BASIC Referral Partners are to work with their BASIC Sales Representative to schedule an implementation video call with the client.
At least one of the following people must attend the implementation call:
- Client contact who is accountable and responsible for setting up the new plan.
- Client contact who has all the necessary information to set up the new plan.
- BASIC Referral Partner (broker) to assist with the plan details.
Need Assistance?
For questions on the new process and new client application, please contact your BASIC Sales Representative. If you’re not sure who your Sales Representative is, please send an email to sales@basiconline.com.
Client Feedback on the New Client Experience
After the official launch on May 31, 2022, we will share feedback on this page from clients who went through the experience. Check back here to read about what new clients are saying about their experience.