Survey Finds Limited Employer Interest in Health Insurance Exchanges

As we approach celebrating the New Year, the Midwest Business Group on Health and The Benfield Group are looking towards 2014 and the climate of healthcare reform. According to survey results, only 9 percent of employers surveyed expect to participate in state health insurance exchanges — state-based competitive marketplaces allowing individuals and small businesses to purchase private health insurance. Data was collected from small and large companies from a wide range of industries.

Digging deeper into the data, nearly 57 percent of those same employers reported they currently offer some sort of consumer driven health plans, such as health reimbursement arrangements (HRA) or health savings accounts (HSA). This trend is expected to increase to 62 percent in 2013 and potentially to 71 percent through 2018.

As healthcare reform continues to evolve, BASIC remains an industry leader providing integrated HR solutions that come full-circle for employers nationwide. As 2014 approaches, BASIC HRA remains a powerful weapon against rising health care costs and proves to be a versatile tool for developing a more consumer driven health care plan.

To view more information regarding BASIC HRA, click here.
To request a pricing proposal, click here.