BASIC FSA Enrollment Materials
Employer FSA Resources
Below are some resources and tools designed to help communicate to your employees about your upcoming BASIC FSA Enrollment. Feel free to use some or all of the resources to help increase FSA awareness and participation.
Please scroll down to review the process for submitting your renewal.
Open Enrollment Announcement Tools & Flyers
Dependent Care FSA Eligible Expenses
Tax Savings Calculator
FSA Open Enrollment PowerPoint (Please be sure to update slides to align to your FSA Plan)
Enrollment Booklet
Enrollment Form in a PDF Format
FSA Store
Participants can shop at for eligible items from bandaids to vitamins and thousands of products in between

BASIC FSA Enrollment and Renewal Process (for current BASIC FSA spreadsheet)
See instructions below on how to safely access and send your BASIC FSA initial group set up, renewal, and mid-year enrollments.
To Download File: Right-click on the link, then Select ‘Save Target As’, type your company name for the file name, and save it on your computer or network.Enrollment spreadsheet
Security: Upload your completed spreadsheet using our Secure File Submission found at this link,
Following the below steps will ensure all materials are submitted for a complete and timely renewal:
Steps to Submit your Renewal
- Collect the completed participant enrollment forms.
- Remove all forms that are not participating in the MRA, MLP, DCA, or IPA plans (where applicable).
- Remove all forms that were signed and dated after your plan year start as they are not eligible.
- Download the BASIC spreadsheet and save it to your computer with your employer name (link above).
- Enter all of the participant information into the spreadsheet for those participants that elected MRA, MLP, DCA or IPA (where applicable).
- Make sure that you have the below information before beginning the Renewal Wizard:
- Renewal Letter
- Number of payroll frequencies?
- The number of payroll frequencies reflects the number of different payroll types that your employer uses.
- Example: If you have one payroll frequency that’s bi-weekly with 26 deductions and one payroll frequency that is semi-monthly with 24 deductions. Your answer would be 2 payroll frequencies.
- Number of eligible participants
- This is the number of eligible employees that may participate in a pre-tax benefit.
- Payroll frequency dates – 1ST and last paycheck date within the plan year:
- You will build your payroll calendar(s) within the Renewal Wizard. The Renewal Wizard will allow you to create multiple payroll frequencies.
- Document changes
- If you have changes that need to be made to your plan, you will select YES to plan design change within the Renewal Wizard.
- Example of changes: employer maximum, benefits offered, contact changes, etc.
- Access the Renewal Wizard
- Do not use your browser forward & back. Use the buttons at the bottom of your screen to move forward & back.
- After you have completed the Renewal Wizard you will receive an email confirmation with an attached PDF reflecting the details that you submitted to BASIC for the renewal.
BASIC FSA Renewal Wizard