Introducing the New Era of HRAs: ICHRAs and QSEHRAs
A health reimbursement arrangement (HRA) is a tax-advantaged benefits solution that allows employers to reimburse their employees for qualified health costs or individual insurance premiums. Traditional health insurance plans are becoming more rigid and complex, therefore, integrating an HRA can help ease the burden of increased costs for employers. However, with the various types of HRAs available, it may be hard to decide which type is right for you. In addition to the standard integrated HRA and excepted benefit HRA, there is a new era of HRAs which includes the Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) and Qualified Small Employer HRA (QSEHRA). Join Regional Sales Director, Daniel Lopez, to learn more about the world of HRAs.
1.0 HRCI and 1.0 SHRM: Audit-Proof Your Business: Strategies to Avoid a Department of Labor Audit
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Simulated Replays: Prepare for 2024 ACA Filing: Here's What You Need to Know
Join us to learn the IRS reporting requirements and deadlines for 2024. Affordable Care Act (ACA) expert Joe Aitchison will cover ACA filing requirements and what employers need to do if they receive an IRS penalty notice. This webinar is perfect for first-time filers, employees of a growing company preparing to file for next year, and even those who have been filing for years!
• What’s new or changed for the 2024 calendar year filings
• Common employer mistakes
• IRS 226J Letter - employee goes to the exchange
• ESRP penalty assessment
• We didn't report, so what happens? IRS 5699 Letter
• BASIC's ACA Solution
• Q & A
Joe will present for 60 minutes regarding the above topic. We devote the remainder of the time to Q&A and information regarding BASIC ACA Elevate - ACA Filing Service.